Common Software Would Have Let FBI Unlock Shooter's iPhone

Common Software Would Have Let FBI Unlock Shooter’s iPhone

February 21, 2016 Richard Gomez 0

The county government that owned the iPhone in a high-profile legal battle between Apple and the Justice Department paid for but never installed a feature that would have allowed the FBI to easily and immediately unlock the phone as part of the terrorism investigation into the shootings that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California.
If the technology, known as mobile device management, had been installed, San Bernardino officials would have been able to remotely unlock the iPhone for the FBI without the theatrics of a court battle that is now pitting digital privacy rights against national security concerns.
The service costs $4 per month per phone.
(Also see: Worldwide Protests Supporting Apple in Encryption Fight With FBI Planned By Internet Rights Group)

Instead, the only person who knew the unlocking passcode for the phone is the dead gunman, Syed Farook, who worked as an inspector in the county's public health department.
The iPhone assigned to Farook also lacked a Tou..

China's Huawei Backs Apple in Fight Over Encryption

China’s Huawei Backs Apple in Fight Over Encryption

February 22, 2016 Richard Gomez 0

China's Huawei said it backed Apple's chief executive Tim Cook in his stand-off with the United States government over breaking into an iPhone, but stopped short of saying explicitly it would adopt the same stance.
“It is very important, we agree with that,” Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei's consumer business group, told reporters in Barcelona gathered for the Mobile World Congress. “Privacy protection is very important for Huawei, we put a lot of investment into privacy, and security protection is key, it is very important for the consumer.
“Apple is resisting US government demands that it unlock an iPhone used by Rizwan Farook, who along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, shot and killed 14 people and wounded 22 others at a holiday party in San Bernardino in December.
(Also see: Why Even the FBI Can't Hack the iPhone)
“Tim Cook spoke up for that (privacy) … for us it is really very important,” Yu said. “I think it's good letting the government understand ..

Bowling Central Review: Puzzles and Precision

Bowling Central Review: Puzzles and Precision

February 23, 2016 Richard Gomez 0

Bowling games are a dime a dozen on the App Store, ranging from realistic fare such as PBA Bowling Spare Challenge to the whimsical Doodle Bowling. There are not too many games, however, that leverage the Apple TV, and this is where the newly launched Bowling Central comes in. It's been developed by Pune-based Rolocule games, and along with AirPlay, also uses the company's “rolomotion” motion-tracking technology.
Rolocule has built a niche for itself by using this combination of technology in the past for other games too, including Motion Tennis and Dance Party. This is true for Bowling Central as well, and if you have an Apple TV or another AirPlay receiver, you can play the game on your television. The combination of motion controls and AirPlay Mirroring means that you can play Rolocule's games to get a Wii-like experience without having to get Nintendo's console.
And while rolomotion provides a slick way to bowl, it's not the only way to play. You can also..

Huawei Honor 6 [year]

Huawei Honor 6 2024

February 5, 2015 Richard Gomez 1

Huawei is among the present day entrants within the tremendously aggressive Indian smartphone market. It launched Honor, which is virtually a sub-brand and its smartphones […]

Samsung Galaxy S6 [year]

Samsung Galaxy S6 2024

September 6, 2015 Richard Gomez 5

What’s the Samsung Galaxy S6? The Samsung Galaxy S6 needs little or no introduction. The Galaxy differ at present arrives with nearly the utmost quantity […]



July 9, 2014 Richard Gomez 0

The Intel Edison restructure prematurely platform is the primary in a sequence of low-cost, product-ready, common intend compute platforms that serve decrease the obstacles to […]

No Need to Fret, Apple Is Doing Fine

No Need to Fret, Apple Is Doing Fine

February 8, 2016 Richard Gomez 7

Home | Mobiles | Mobiles Features No Need to Fret, Apple Is Doing Fine Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times , 28 January 2016 Let's get this out of the way first: Despite what you may have heard, the iPhone is not dying. Neither, by extension, is Apple.
It's true that in an earnings report Tuesday, after weeks of speculation by Wall Street that iPhone sales would finally hit a peak, Apple confirmed the news: iPhone sales grew at their lowest-ever rate in the last quarter. And the company projected total sales of as much as $53 billion (roughly Rs. 3,61,532 crores) in the current quarter that ends in March, which would be a decline of 8.6 percent from last year and Apple's first revenue drop in more than a decade.
But if Apple is now hitting a plateau, it's important to remember that it's one of the loftiest plateaus in the history of business. The $18.4 billion (roughly Rs. 1,25,518 crores) profit that Apple reported Tuesday is the most ever earned by any company ..