Undertale [year] Review

Undertale 2024 Review

April 9, 2016 Richard Gomez 0

For a game developed by a single person, Undertale is as contradictory as they come. It uses rudimentary graphics that wouldn't be out of place in the 8-bit era of consoles yet it manages to display emotion far better than most photorealistic AAA titles. There's an emphasis on non-violence but you'll frequently find yourself in combat. And with all the critical acclaim it has garnered, you'd assume it's a game anyone would enjoy, but it's not really for everyone.
The consistency, or lack thereof, is in part due to its overarching narrative. The game is set amidst a backdrop that has monsters living beneath the earth after losing a war to mankind, and you play as a human child who falls into the ruins and ventures deeper underground with the purpose of getting home.
Along the way you'll pet dogs, hear bad puns from skeletons, and play matchmaker to lovestruck guards. You can, of course, resort to the usual slaughter of everyone and everything in you..

Canon PowerShot SX520 HS Review: A Worthy Purchase

Canon PowerShot SX520 HS Review: A Worthy Purchase

April 13, 2016 Richard Gomez 0

Home | Cameras | Cameras Reviews Canon PowerShot SX520 HS Review: A Worthy Purchase by Ershad Kaleebullah , 15 November 2014 Say what you want about smartphones eating into the sales of compact cameras, but manufacturers are still launching dozens of models each year. The sheer difference in quality of the sensors inside digital cameras is enough to justify the purchase, especially if you intend to print pictures for memories' sake.

Bridge cameras are more advanced versions of compact cameras, quite literally trying to 'bridge' the gap between compact cameras and chunky DSLRs. These provide a nice balance between size and functionality, at affordable prices.
We have with us one such bridge camera – the newly launched Canon PowerShot SX520 HS, which for some odd reason is not even listed on Canon's India website at the time of writing this review. It is the successor to the PowerShot SX510 HS. Canon has bumped the optical zoom up to 42x on this model compared to t..