Google launched the Chromecast with Google TV (HD) in India on Thursday. This affordable offering is currently available at a special discounted price during the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale 2022. It sports a compact design with an HDMI connector that is designed to easily tuck behind your TVs. This new Chromecast also comes with a voice remote that features a dedicated Google Assistant button. There are also a couple of hotkeys for popular streaming services, including YouTube and Netflix.
Chromecast with Google TV (HD) price in India, availability
The Chromecast with Google TV (HD) costs Rs. 4,499, however, it is currently available on Flipkart for Rs. 4,199 during the ongoing Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale 2022. It is available in the classic Snow colour and also includes a voice remote.
Google has mentioned that it will soon be available at other popular retail outlets in the country.
Chromecast with Google TV (HD) specifications, features
It features an HDMI connector and supports full-HD (1080p) streaming with HDR. The voice remote that comes with this new Chromecast can be used to access the Google Assistant. Through this virtual assistant, users can access various streaming apps and even control other connected smart home devices. There are also dedicated buttons for YouTube and Netflix.
The Google TV interface allows users to setup their profiles for personalised recommendations on streaming content. Furthermore, parents can set up a secure place for their kids to only have access to family-friendly content. Overall, it offers access to over 1,000 apps like Apple TV, Disney+ Hotstar, MX Player, Netflix, Prime Video, Voot, YouTube, and more.
The Chromecast with Google TV (HD) also offers features like phone casting. Users can share their Google photos through the Chromecast to the TV and even cast their Google Meet video calls.